Saturday, September 16, 2006

Worry and The Future

Did you realize that if you are worrying about tomorrow that you let the devil steal your today? This was an amazing point that came out of a small group that my wife and I were running with college aged kids about a year ago. It really got me thinking about where I place my mind each day that I get up. There are some days that I get up, look out my eye and worry about whether I am going to go blind in my left eye. My mind races ahead to the worst case scenario and I wonder what it would be like to have to live life looking only out of one eye or worse to be blind. I know that these are just mind games that the devil plays with me and that combined with the medication that I am on that can also mess with me emotionally is a volatile mix. If I will let the devil cause my mind to wander into the future then the quality of my now has been destroyed. I can’t stay in the now and appreciate the things that God has given me if I am busy worrying about things that I have no control over. This blog is actually connected to my “worry and bending spoons” blog that I posted earlier this month. Matthew 6:34 actually says not to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will have its own worries. When I first read that scripture I thought, “yeah, that’s cool. I don’t need to worry about tomorrow”. Then I read the verse again. It says that tomorrow WILL HAVE WORRY. It didn’t say that as long as I don’t worry and give it to God that there would be no worry. What that verse told me is that I need to take the worry that comes up each day and learn to give it to God. If anyone has ever dealt with an eye condition it is unlike other ailments in your body. I am not saying worse necessarily, just different. I have no way to ignore what is going on in my body with the condition of my eye. When I open my eyes in the morning I am clearly reminded about the condition of my eye because it has NEVER felt or looked the same two days in a row in the two and a half years that I have dealt with it. My eye is always getting better or worse everyday which is very strange. I can choose to worry about the future of my eye or I can give it to God that day, realize that I will have worry tomorrow to give God as well and live the best quality life that I can today. So don’t let the devil win in your mind by getting you to be concerned about things that you really have no control over. (that is unless you have a time machine like Michael J. Fox and 1.21 jigawatts to get you to the future, change it and get back)

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