Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I love the picture of a key. It is so intriguing to me to look at every groove and think that because it was cut a certain way that there is some sort of lock out there in the world that it will open. That is really like out lives and the things that we go through. Each of the life issues we deal with is another “cut” on the key of our lives. This sometimes feels like a grinding of life’s pain or a buffing of the good times of life. Shaped into something that can be used to open a locked heart of a person in need. If we can think of the crap that we go through in life as a cutting or developing of our character to cause us to be useful to a locked heart of some person that needs to hear about how God changed us then it makes the stuff we go through a little more bearable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW i never looked at it that pretty much rock...i love you.....=)