Friday, September 08, 2006

I don't serve a brussel sprout Jesus

My inspiration for this blog is from our small group tonight. We were talking about the word sacrifice and what it meant to each of us. I think that sometimes we think of Jesus as the one who makes us do the things that we know we should do but the things that we don’t necessarily want to do. Even the word sacrifice has a negative tone to it. I really believe that God wants us to move from a place of feeling obligated to have to do religious stuff for him to a place of doing things because we want to. Sacrifice is simply higher priority things living and lower priority things dying in our lives. It is looking at everything that we CAN do and deciding on the things we SHOULD do. When I say that I don’t serve a “brussel sprout” Jesus, I am saying that I serve a God that wants me to enjoy serving him and not always something I do out of obligation. I am not saying that serving God will always be fun and easy but that everything I do for God has a greater purpose than what I can see or imagine with my finite mind. Oh yeah, thanks Dustin for the visualization of serving a hot fudge sundae Jesus at CAST tonight. We all know that’s the kind of Jesus we want to serve!

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