Monday, October 16, 2006

Happiness is a decision not a condition

Dont ever forget that your happiness is not a condition its a decision. When you live life based on happiness that is conditional you give the circumstances around you power to alter your future. When you DECIDE that you are going to be happy you take control of your destiny because no matter what happens to you in life you cause the quality of your life to improve. I know that the past couple of years of crap in my life has forced me to decide to have happiness in my life. Having an eye condition my sickness is always in front of me from when I open my eyes in the morning to when I go to bed at night. I dont have the luxury of ignoring my sickness. If you dont have the attitude that is choosing happiness I challenge you to make the emotional and physical effort to choose happiness. Try it this week and just see how much more authentic your happiness will become. Take control of your destiny because the decisions you make in life will determine the direction of your life.

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