Monday, December 18, 2006

your mind, emotions and actions...

I noticed something about my health and my mind. When I have one of those “give up” days that happen every so often I find myself eating things I probably shouldn’t, sleeping more and walking less. I think that our minds are directly connected to our emotions in that way and it affects our actions. This really reemphasizes my point about how the devil is always trying to get at your mind so that he can affect your emotions and then get your actions to line up with how crappy you tell yourself that life is. Be careful to not separate these three elements of your life and think that they are not all intimately connected inside of you. I really believe that is why God doesn’t want just part of us, he wants all of us. He knows that if he only has one of those three areas committed to him that we are cheating ourselves out of the enjoyment of having him be in full control of our lives.

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