Saturday, August 26, 2006

The start of my blog site...

This is my first attempt at blogging and I am kind of scared. Actually, I'm not because you cant see me and I cant see you! Don’t you just love this new digital age? I wanted to start this blog because I feel like it can help people that are going through a tough time in life and are questioning the meaning of their existence. I know that the things my wife and I have been through personally the past two and a half years have tested our metal so to speak and have given us something to share with others to help encourage them on life’s path. The name of my blog is going to be the name of the book I am writing as well – Holy Crap. I think the name is important to not only get people’s attention but to let people know that you can find God’s presence in the pain that you are going through or the “crap” of life. I know for me that the things I go through are either going to make me stronger or I am going to let them determine the direction of my life. I think that many times people let circumstances that they go through determine who they are instead of seeking for a true relationship with God that goes past being led by your circumstances. In reality, circumstances don’t really make us who we are they really do more to show who we are. If you are going through some hard times right now I can tell you that I can empathize with you as you will see with this blog. Well, I guess its time to get started on sharing my story and what God has shown me through it. Hopefully you will find something in it that will encourage you to keep going and not stop, challenge you to seek God if you don’t have a personal relationship with him or to just appreciate what you have instead of complaining about what you don’t have.

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