Monday, August 28, 2006

Perspective is an Amazing Thing

Perspective is an amazing thing. Everything you believe is based on your perspective. It is basically a prioritizing of your life and putting things from least important to the most important in a kind of filling system that you live your life by. It is something that the media plays on and challenges you to rearrange everyday of your life. For most of us, our perspective of life is pretty selfish and self centered. It probably started when we were babies and cried for what we wanted and mom gave it to us. That was our only way to communicate with “big people” was to cry until we got our way. Our perspective was to eat, poop and be merry. (make sure you read that right – not eat poop and be merry! Duh!) When we grew up we were supposed to leave the childish ways behind and act like an adult. The problem is that in the culture that we live in today we are catered to and told that you can (as Burger King across the street from my grandma and grandpa’s house would say) “have it your way”. When I got sick my perspective of life changed. I started to look at the real value of my life and what it meant. Was I just living for myself or was I really making a difference in the lives of others? The picture I posted is of my dream car (or at least one of them as my wife would say) but it has a small reminder at the bottom to keep my “perspective” correct – “…not more than souls”. It means that I can really want that car but …not more than souls. Not more than wanting to see people changed and encouraged by the power of God. It is not bad to want nice things like cars, money and the sort, but when those things take the place of seeking God in a deeper way and understanding that our time on this earth is so brief then we have lost perspective. I want my life to matter for more than the things I owned or even the intense opinions that I had about things going on around me. I want people’s lives to be changed by them seeing God in me especially right now with me going through a real time of testing mentally and emotionally. I am not saying that I have all this figured out but I do want the devil to remember me and have some kind of alarm in hell that goes off when I get up in the morning and know he's saying, “oh crap…he’s up again”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the "oh crap" hes up again it! miss you lots, j starts school tomorrow. 4th GRADE!! keep the blogging up, i check it several times a you- sis