Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Curiosity traffic and my relationship to Jesus

If you have never driven in Denver then you are missing out on life. It is a real experience. Take tonight for example. I was driving home after church tonight and there were two cars in front of me and one of them had their lights off. A police truck had passed us on the other side of the road and whipped around, came up from behind all of us and started to tail the car with their lights not on. The police truck turned on its lights and so the car he was tailing started to pull off to the side of the road into my lane. The car that was next to the cop and the car with no lights on started to slow down and gawk at what was going on trying to get a better view of the situation. I got in the lane behind him thinking he would speed up so that we could both go around the “situation” with the mysterious car with no lights on and a cop. He didn’t. He kept trying to get a better look to see if the cop was going to maybe pull his gun or maybe yank the guy out of the car and start to beat him with his club or something. I don’t know what it is, but drivers in Denver are always on the lookout for disaster on the roadways. This is the first city that I have ever lived in where you will have what are called “curiosity jams” on the roads. This is where, for example, you have four lanes of traffic with a meridian in the middle and an accident will be on one side of the road but BOTH SIDES will have traffic jams because the side of the road with no accident will be looking on the other side of the road for blood, guts or maybe a head rolling down the street. It is so frustrating when you are driving and in traffic and find out that it is not from an accident on your side but the opposite side of the road. Its almost like Denver drivers have a little bit of cat in them and you put shinny red and blue lights in front of their eyes and they lose all sense of consciousness and “follow the pretty lights”. It’s interesting that our human nature is to look for disaster in situations instead of the good. If you don’t believe me look at how popular “disaster footage” is online. When the crocodile hunter died one of the most searched points on a media website that I look at had that as the top story requested. I know that I need to ask God DAILY to change me and my human nature. I know that it isn’t enough that I have gone through this crap with my eye for a couple of years and now I always search God for all my needs everyday. It is a crucifying of the flesh every day that keeps me in tune with God and not catering to my human nature that wants to naturally find disaster in situations including the thought of my eye rotting out of my head.

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