Saturday, May 26, 2007

christianity needs fruit

Watchman Nee Quote:

Show the world the fruits of Christianity and it will applaud; but show the world Christianity, and it will oppose it vigorously.

This was revelation to me today. I have always thought that people that didn’t know Christ would only need to by introduced to the concept of Christianity for it to be real to them and for them to make a decision to follow Christ. I think this comes from growing up in the church all my life and not really thinking about the introduction of Christ to others. I was always taught to be a good boy and that if I didn’t want to go to hell that I would follow Jesus and not question the directives of the church. Now that I am older I realize that if I don’t have fruit that is evident in my life that others can see then I need to re-evaluate my relationship with Jesus. Christianity without fruit is just another rule or regulation that the world is told it needs to “be right”. Christians are notorious for being ready to tell others “like it is” but not being able to listen to what a nonbeliever is going through in their life. If there is fruit that comes from following Christ it becomes attractive to people and gives them a desire to have the great things that a Christian has. If there is no fruit in a Christian’s life then a walk with Christ can become a great burden and really a waste of time. Why call yourself a follower of Christ and have nothing to show for it? Today, look for the fruit that comes from a living relationship with Christ. If you don’t, you will not only be leading others away from the best thing the will ever need, but you will frustrate yourself and dishonor God in the process by not doing what he asks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey it's evan Kuzava. thanks for posting this.