Monday, January 01, 2007

God Pills

Happy New Year everyone! Now for my first new years revelation about life and our relationship to Christ; I am convinced that the majority of believers in Christ don’t really want to change they just want to feel better about themselves and their situations so that they can continue to live life the way they want to. I was talking to my wife last night about people who really want to change their lives and people who basically want just a band aid for their lives or a type of “God pill” to make the pain go away so they can continue to live life on their own terms instead of letting Christ be the boss. I have a pretty good perspective on this with the 28 pills that I take a day. I take some pills that are vitamins and some that help my adrenal gland not shut down from the prednisone that I am on right now but I also take pills that if I didn’t I would be in some serious pain. I really feel like we treat God the same way as pain medication. We ask God to “take the pain away” but are we willing to do what it takes to not just be free but to stay free? It’s a big question for our lives because a walk with God takes effort everyday and its not just a one shot deal. If you have been told different then you were lied to. Think about your life this year and how you will be different January 1st of 2008 from who you are today. Don’t just take the “God pill” for pain, give him your life completely and see what happens. This is not just praying and asking God for what you want, it is making your actions line up with the Bible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor Brian! I love your blog! I got a lot of insight from your new entry! Blessings from the UP. Chris and I are doing pretty good. My blog is in Spanish, but you can see the pics!