Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I had a type of revelation today. I don’t remember if I brought this up in a previous blog or not, but I really think we need to realize that God is not going to be convinced that we need to have a change in our lives because we complain about it. In fact, I think that we prolong the process with growth and maturity with Christ when we complain about the things going on in our lives instead of asking God to confirm his presence in the midst of trials and crap. This is so easy to say and so hard to live as I am experiencing right now in life. If you are at a place of being able to complain about something in your life or being able to ask God for the strength to learn from your situation please choose the latter of the two options. Its like my situation with my eye; I can either ask God to give me peace with everything, or I can complain and get nervous, raise my blood pressure and make life crappier for me. By complaining about where I think God has me right now I put myself in a place of prolonging the process. Please, speaking from experience, don’t prolong the process.

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