lessons from the snow
We have had some SERIOUS snow here in
A blog to encourage and challenge your faith
We have had some SERIOUS snow here in
Posted by
7:50 PM
I realized something about compassion these past few days. When it says in the Bible that Jesus had compassion on people I really think it meant more than the fact that he felt sorry for them. I think it had to do with a deeper level of self denial and more of putting people first. My eye has pretty much flared back up to the point that the medical community has needles and Chemo as the next step for my condition. I have had a hard time mentally this past week dealing with some of that and trying to stay positive. Then I thought about what Jesus knew he was going to have to ultimately do in dying on the cross for our sins while he was on this earth while saving and helping people with their crap. I really believe that when we have compassion on someone we are literally putting our “stuff” away mentally to put others people’s needs in front of our own. Jesus was the ultimate example of this for us when he would put other people in front of himself. When we feel sorry for someone the greater question is what does it motivate us to do? Does it inspire us to take action in their lives or is it just something we feel and then slip back into our own world of pain and mental distractions? I am not saying that I have mastered this technique in any way, but am trying to work towards a place of denying my own crap to put others first and help them with their walk in life. I would hope that God would put those same kinds of people in my life to encourage me and help me in this journey that I am walking as well.
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2:59 PM
I noticed something about my health and my mind. When I have one of those “give up” days that happen every so often I find myself eating things I probably shouldn’t, sleeping more and walking less. I think that our minds are directly connected to our emotions in that way and it affects our actions. This really reemphasizes my point about how the devil is always trying to get at your mind so that he can affect your emotions and then get your actions to line up with how crappy you tell yourself that life is. Be careful to not separate these three elements of your life and think that they are not all intimately connected inside of you. I really believe that is why God doesn’t want just part of us, he wants all of us. He knows that if he only has one of those three areas committed to him that we are cheating ourselves out of the enjoyment of having him be in full control of our lives.
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11:14 PM
The strength of any relationship is not in agreement but in disagreement. I don’t think we realize the depth of that statement. When you have a relationship with anyone you have the ability to have a disagreement. The strength or depth of that relationship is tested or explored each time you disagree with that person. I think that if you know that person is not trying to intentionally hurt you then you are more willing to disagree with them and be able to walk away with a respect for them and their opinion. I also think that our relationship with God is also tested not when everything is going well and we are in “agreement” with his ways but when things are going rough. I know that in the season that I feel like I am in that I have disagreed with his methods to get me to a place of listening and trusting in him. There has never been a time in my life where I have had to trust that God like I have the past two and a half years. The true barometer of my relationship with God is tested each time my eye flares up or my back hurts or my mind starts to wander about all the things that can go wrong in my life because of the prednisone that I am on. I need to see my attitude with God getting better each time one of these things crop up in my life. If I am not getting closer to God and trusting him more than I am moving away from him and trusting him less. I want to have a strong relationship with God and the only way that I can do that is to trust him more.
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11:25 PM
God really does love us enough to let things happen to us to keep our perspective on him. When we think that we are getting too big for our britches, as my mother would say, he allows stuff to happen to us to put it all back in perspective. I guess that is the key to keeping a good attitude in the middle of a trial; to realize that we are not the ones that God is trying to hurt, but the ones he is trying to help by keeping our eyes totally focused on him. My eye has flared back up a bit and it was a little discouraging but I know that if I keep my eyes on him everything will be ok. That is not saying that it doesn’t make my eye any less red or feel any better, but I don’t want a crappy attitude to keep me in this place of pain any longer than I have to be.
Posted by
11:23 PM
What we do on this earth echoes in eternity. The difference that we make here on earth will be what really matters. I mentioned this at my Grandma’s funeral service about leaving a legacy that people would remember. I always want to be remembered for making the people’s lives around me better because I had a part in their lives. There is no greater honor in this life than making someone else better because I was alive. Make someone’s life great today (you can be as creative as you want with that statement).
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10:04 PM
God’s ultimate plan is so much bigger than us and the crap that we go through. Let me explain. The devil’s main goal is to isolate us. I know that the scriptures say he is here to steal, kill and destroy but if he can isolate us then he can do all those things. One type of isolation is when we get so focused on the issues that are going on in our lives and we forget to realize that God’s plan is bigger than anything that we could ever imagine. I was praying tonight and I had a type of revelation about this. When I get focused on all the elements of my eye and how many things can go wrong at this stage it is pretty overwhelming and emotionally and mentally I can begin to isolate myself from everyone and everything that I am around. What better way for the devil to come in and lie to me about my situation than when I am in the middle of a physical and emotional battle. If you are isolating yourself by over-thinking your situation, stop it, go to church tomorrow and immerse yourself in Jesus and the family of God. It really is great therapy!!
Posted by
9:55 PM
I think the best thing about serving God is that he will never ask you to do something that he doesn't think you can do or he will give you the power to overcome the crap in your life that seems so overwhelming. He really is only asking "what is in your hand?" He is asking you to use what he has given you and not expecting you to accomplish something without the right tools to get the job done. Don't get frustrated at the issues of life, begin to pray and ask God to help you have victory with the abilities he has instilled in you. You might surprise yourself at the kinds of things you can accomplish when you stop complaining and start working toward a solution to trouble in your life.
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10:33 PM
I just got back from
Posted by
10:39 PM
What does it take for someone to change? I think that for everyone its very different because God knows what each of us need to inspire us to change. I think about the Bible and what that means to each person that reads it. Some people have to go through tramatic experiences to realize the importance of changing their lives and doing something different than what they have always been used to. For me, I needed to have a dangly eyeball to understand that I needed to change and seek God on a whole new level. I know that God doesnt want us to have to go through tramatic things to change, but he loves us enough to do what he needs to do to get our attention. Be a quick study and learn what God has for you. Look at your life now and see how you have changed; or if you have changed. Understand that anything that is considered to have life is either growing or dying. What are you doing with your realtionship with God?
Posted by
9:28 PM